Although I’m frustrated by this winter’s lack of snow, Nordic skiing, and classic winter scenery, the rocky coast is still worth exploring at any time of year.
This lighthouse presides over the rocky northern coast of Cape Ann Massachusetts. The location is fairly inaccessible and is seen by most first time visitors to the area from across the harbor at Wingaersheek Beach.
The rocky coastline of Cape Ann might easily be mistaken for Downeast Maine. The boulders along the shore vary in shape from jagged and sharp, to smooth and rounded.
Bass Rocks, on the south-facing shoreline of Cape Ann, reminds me most of Mt. Desert, Maine, several hundred miles away.
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I like that the lighthouse does not seem to be the main subject of the photo, but rather, incidental. Lovely. I need to bring my camera next time.
Funny how lighthouses make us feel peaceful. Like fireplaces and waterfalls.