The Sudbury River – End of Day
Artificial Intelligence Can’t Do Work Like this: Hands and Minds Required
Perhaps you share my concern that artificial intelligence (AI) may be taking us to a future that has no need for people who work with their hands. I’d like your help in identifying folks who build things that require dexterity, creativity, hand-eye coordination and plenty of strength and love of their work. I’m planning a photo essay similar to my project published last year in the Boston Globe about instrument makers. You can help! Just PM me with referrals to folks who work in this area as inventors, scientists, white collar or blue. I’m just not looking for photographs of people glued to screens. Check out the gallery here for inspiration. Thanks! And, please share with friends.

Workers repair weatherproofing on office building in Wakefield, MA while suspended on ropes anchored to the top of the building

Fishing boat on the 85 ton Travelift at the Gloucester Marine Railways, guded by shipyard worker.

Servicing the propeller on a fishing boat at the Gloucester Marine Railways.

Gen Sato is replacing the “bass bar”: an internal piece of each instrument.

Violin Making & repair Department Head Roman Barnas at the North Bennett Street School in Boston, refinishes an older violin
Water Tower Eyes
Glass Artisans
Why You Need A Pro Photographer:
DIY In-House Photos Compromise Your Image — Costing You Time and Money
© Paul Mozell 2022
Now more than ever, images and photography play a decisive role in defining your company’s image. When SEO (search engine optimization) tools and specialists record and analyze the duration, source, and movement of each site visit, can you really afford NOT to use professionally produced photographs in your marketing? Is the good enough photo made by someone on your in-house team, what you really want on the front page of marketing piece?
Images define your identity
Here are a few examples, ripped from the headlines. (names are changed to protect the innocent)
Product Photography: Jane works in the marketing communications department of a company that supplies pumps used in pharmaceuticals manufacture. The VP of marketing has just assigned her to a team rolling out a new product line. She is tasked with developing sell sheets, web content, and a schedule of press releases. The VP wants the new materials to feature strong graphics and make liberal use of photographs. The company’s new line of electro-stimulo-converter-phase-shifters must be shown installed and working at customer sites.
Continue readingLady Liberty
Joy on the Ride
Holiday Lights Seen differently
Last night it was my intention to photograph a meteor shower—as announced by the TV weather people, but the moonlight was overpowering and I think I went out too early. On the way home while passing many homes decorated by large and small Christmas light displays I was taken by the idea of shooting the lights from my moving car. Here are some of the results.
Which one is your favorite?