Fallen White Pine
Splintered trunk of a massive white pine.
Splintered trunk of a massive white pine.
I first encountered the Gibbs Brook Falls on my very first hike through the Presidential Range many years ago. Since then I have photographed this modest and forever-changing cataract many times — first in 35mm, then with my 4×5 view camera, and several times with digital gear.
Birdsfoot Trefoil along the banks of the Ipswich River, North Reading, MA
Although the eye and brain attempt to neutralize the perceived color of light, your brain and eye can still sense the difference between the light of a cool shaded forest and the warm tones of sunset on the beach. Cameras don’t have this power or sensitivity; at least not yet.
Today’s digital cameras think that average daylight is somewhere between 5500° and 6000° Kelvin. Years ago I read that this value was a measurement of sunlight at high noon on the Summer Solstice as it occurs in Washington, D.C. This could be folklore, but it sounds nice!
The third installment in a series of tips about how to improve your nature and landscape photography.
The second installment in a new series. Your feedback is welcome!