Aliens Plow Main Street

As tonight’s six inch storm was winding down I walked the nearly empty Main Street of Wakefield looking for photographs. Imagine my surprise when a snow plow disguised as an alien spacecraft passed me by. A police office pulled over, rolled down his window, and showed off a great photo of  he had just taken with his phone of a home decorated in a pretty Christmas display. He said that he would later remove the utility wires in Photoshop. No mention of the spacecraft. A few minutes later a fellow approached me to show off the photos he had just taken with his phone. He was dispatching them immediately to friends at home in Turkey. I also admired some images he had made a week earlier in Bermuda.  A plow driver waved hello and suggested that I not stand in the middle of the street. Another terrific hour in the snow.    

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Late May in the White Mountains

In late May the White Mountain National Forest is bright green, wet, and beautiful. If you are lucky enough to visit on a cool and cloudy day, the black flies will be asleep in the mud, allowing you to fully enjoy the high streams and spring flowers. Painted Trillium are among my favorites at this time of year.

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After the Blizzard—Plenty of Fun

The Great Blizzard of 2013 has left us with plenty of streets, cars, and driveways still to dig out. Seaside homes on Boston’s south shore suffered the worst damage, as the ocean invaded basements and filled streets with sand and debris. Yet, after days of dire predictions, announcements from the Governor, reporters standing in harm’s way, and meteorologists swirling in advanced graphics, on the day after the storm

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